Accessibility Issues

Adding alt text to batches of images

We have created a mechanism for adding alt text to several images in one screen. Click on Content and find the link "Images No ALT." (Your list of links may vary.)


add alt text button

Add alt text for all 10 images on the form.


alt text entry form

Make sure you click "Save" at the bottom of the from.


Save alt text button

Images with words

If you want to have images with text you must provide a link to a webpage/text version of the content adjacent to the image.


Example 4 year course listing for individualized chemistry majors


Example 4 year course progression for an individualized chemistry major.


Example 4 year course listing for individualized chemistry majors

Example 4 year course progression for an individualized chemistry major.



You need to make sure iFrames have title attributes and all style attributes are removed.

This is what youtube embed code looks like. We need to remove the width, height and frameborder.


embed from youtube

Correct iframe embed with a title.


fixed youtube embed


Message for accessible versions of documents (PDF, Word)

If you have a list of documents that do not meet the guidelines and are not being updated, you can add a message with directions on how people that need accessible versions can receive them. You must have a real email and provide a response with in 2 business days.

If you need accessible versions of any of these documents, please contact [email protected]. You will receive a response within 2 business days.

Message to get accessible versions of documents



Image showing basic table settings

Image directing to Right click on the table and select Table properties, set Headders to First Row, Set Cell spacing to 0, set Cell padding to 0, and add a Summary.

Directions for adding accessible tables.
