A&S Communications Services and Contacts

News and Feature Stories

Do you have a great story to tell? New research, scholarship or creative works on the horizon? A great collaborative research project that others should know about? Have you won an award or fellowship? Have a tip on an Arts & Sciences student or graduate who's doing amazing things? Do you want to share a new and innovative way that you're teaching a class and engaging students? Let us know, and we'll let you know if we can pitch it to media or write about it for any number of channels within the College and University.

For faculty research, scholarship, creative works and awards, contact Linda Glaser

For student and alumni story ideas, contact Kathy Hovis.

Publicity and Media Relations 

Do you have a special event, published research, new scholarship or a creative work that needs a broader audience?  We can help work with you to develop and execute a publicity plan. This can include:

  • Press release/prewrite writing and/or editing
  • Story writing and/or editing (for the Cornell Chronicle and A&S channels)
  • Coordination with the University Media Relations Office to identify media targets and pitch your story
  • Op-ed editing and placement
  • Consulting on event promotions and calendar listings
  • Social media promotions (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, etc.)
  • Media Training (to improve interview and presentation skills)
  • Consulting on print design 
  • Consulting on advertising

Contact Linda Glaser to get started!

Communications Training for Faculty

We offer a suite of communications training options for both new and experienced faculty. Our public engagement training covers how to create a meaningful “elevator pitch” that effectively communicates your research, how to prepare for public presentations like TED talks, and how to best communicate your work to alumni, individual donors, and institutional and governmental representatives. Our public image training covers how to use varied media outlets to create a platform as a public intellectual as well as what to do when you have work to promote, such as a book or creative work. Our media training prepares you for encounters with reporters and offer ways to be more visible in the news media, including how to write op-eds and how best to prepare for broadcast interviews.

See our full description of other training and consultation options, or contact Linda Glaser with questions.

Web Services

The communications office's Web services team manages the College-wide Drupal platform that houses the flagship as.cornell.edu site and all public-facing department and academic program websites in the College. Password-protected internal sites are managed by the Arts & Sciences IT team.

If you are a faculty member who manages your own public website, or you are a director of a lab or institute, we can also consult with you on best approaches to building and maintaining a public web presence.

Contact Scott Haber with questions.

Brand and Visual Identity Management

The A&S Communication Office is tasked with overseeing the College's visual identity as well as the Cornell brand across all units administered by the College. See Logos, Letterhead and Cornell Brand for resources that departments, programs, faculty and staff affiliated with the College can use. Consult the Cornell University Brand Center for guidelines on using the university brand.  

Contact Laura Chichisan with questions.

Communications Consulting and Referral Services

Is your department, program, or institute interested in expanding your communications efforts?

Do you need a referral for a graphic designer, videographer, or photographer?

Do you want to launch an e-newsletter for your alumni and friends?

Are you looking to expand your social media presence, but don't know where to begin?

Are you planning a major event that requires special attention?

Are you dealing with an ongoing issue that requires a public message or media monitoring? 

We're here to help.

Contact Tricia Ritterbusch with questions.
